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By the end of the year, a billion people will have some form of 5G service

In its Mobility Report, Ericsson predicts that the availability of 5G services will continue to grow significantly so that in five years almost half of the world's users should have access to them.

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World Wi-Fi Day 2022 remembers the importance of this technology

World Wi-Fi Day 2022, June 20. An event organized by the trade organization responsible for the standard, Wireless Broadband Alliance, to emphasize the significance of a wireless technology that allows the globe to be digitally connected.

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Wi-Fi 7: Everything you need to know

Wi-Fi technology has pushed its boundaries in recent years. While most of us rely on Wi-Fi 5, or the newer Wi-Fi 6 or 6E, for everyday use, the next generation, 802.11be, or its commonly used name, Wi-Fi 7, is in development. will it bring and do we need it at all?

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The best affordable Wi-Fi routers with Wi-Fi 6

Wi-Fi is already a vital part of most people's daily lives. We use a mobile phone, tablet, or laptop to connect to the wireless network. It can, however, build an ecosystem of different gadgets, and no smart home can function without Wi-Fi. As a result, selecting the proper router is critical. Many people are familiar with this gadget as a "router." We've chosen the cheapest models that support the Wi-Fi 6 standard.

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How to fix Wi-Fi connection problems in a simple way

Wi-Fi is available in many homes, offices, and businesses. Its popularity exploded years ago, and it is now something so necessary that we could not "live without it." If you think we exaggerating, consider all of the gadgets you have linked to the Internet via Wi-Fi and what would happen if that connection went down for good.

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New 5G network delay in U.S.

Mobile operators in the US have again been asked to delay the introduction of 5G technology. Airlines are concerned about possible problems the network could cause in air traffic.

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When the Internet came to be and how it changed the world

Life without the Internet today is almost unthinkable and most people use it daily for business and private purposes. But despite this ubiquity, many do not know how and when the Internet originated and who lies behind the idea of creating a global internet network.

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Record number of data leak sites detected in 2021

Technology has advanced so much that few can ignore it, which means that most people with internet access keep a lot of personal information digitally, and such a thing is very tempting to hackers.

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Windows 10 received the final version of the 21H2 update

One part of the security configuration within the 21H2 update edged the problem of installation restrictions for drivers on individual printers, which is known under the name kb5005010.

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If I connect the TV via WiFi, will the rest of the devices work well?

The Ethernet network cable will be the one that best takes advantage of all the bandwidth of the Internet connection and the one that provides us with the greatest stability in the connections of any device. However, Wi-Fi offers us greater mobility, and in some places, we have no other option because wiring as far as the device is can be a complex task. For that reason, on some occasions when we do not have the router of our Smart TV nearby, we have no choice but to connect it by Wi-Fi. Then we have the question of what happens if you connect the TV via WiFi, will the rest of the devices work well or not?