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Can I have two VPNs simultaneously to surf the Internet?

One thing is clear, privacy and anonymity are something that users value more and more. Among the services that can best help us to ensure that they do not spy on us are VPNs and proxies. Of the two options, the service that will offer us the most guarantees to preserve our anonymity is usually VPNs. Since we know that they protect our privacy at that time, we can ask ourselves if we could use two VPNs at the same time. In this article, we are going to reveal if we can have two VPNs to surf the Internet and how it would affect browsing.

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Trends for Internet Identity Verification for 2022

The transition to the digital world is unstoppable and we are doing more and more things online. For example, we are making more purchases online, we use email more and we have more files in the cloud. To use these services we must identify ourselves correctly and have their security measures. That does not stop cybercriminals from trying to steal our credentials to carry out some identity fraud. An example of this can be Phishing attacks, and to solve this problem you have to adopt more robust identity verification methods. In this article, we are going to talk about the trends for online identity verification for 2022.

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Russia blocks TOR, the web anonymity service

Russian activists reported that their country's authorities blocked the TOR (The Onion Router) web anonymity service.

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The most used passwords of 2021: by the way, they are the least secure

Currently, many applications and platforms opt for two-step verification to strengthen the security of users at the time of entry.

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Why is the WiFi slow on my mobile but it works fine on my PC?

Connecting to the Internet through mobile is very common today. We can say that we basically have two options: mobile data and Wi-Fi. This last option is the most common when we are at home, at work, or in other places where we are not on the go. Now, sometimes problems can arise and we see that the speed is not the best. We are going to talk about this in this article. We are going to explain the main causes why Wi-Fi is slow on the mobile.

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Know the minimum internet speed to play online

To be able to play correctly over the Internet it is necessary to have good speed. It is the basis for establishing a connection with other users and joining a game. Now, what minimum speed is necessary? Can I play if I have ADSL? These are some questions that many people can ask themselves when hiring a rate or installing a game. The truth is that all this can vary depending on some factors, as we are going to see, as well as the demand of the game itself.

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New antivirus test results have given Microsof Defender excellent ratings

Why is Microsoft Defender (formerly known as Windows Defender) followed by the rumors of a bad antivirus program?

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Why do your PLCs (Powerline) at home get cut off and are slow

When we think of connecting to the Internet, we automatically think of Wi-Fi networks or failing that, of the Ethernet network cable. Each of these two options has its virtues and also its drawbacks. The positive thing about Wi-Fi networks is that they offer us mobility along with good speed. In contrast, networks that use an Ethernet network cable are easier so that they can take advantage of the full potential of our connection. However, we must not forget a third alternative: PLC. With this technology, our data will travel through our electrical installation.

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The evolution of rootkits and what we can expect from them in the future

Today we Internet users are faced with various types of malware. In this regard, we must be attentive to viruses, computer worms, Trojans, Phishing attacks and ransomware, among others. The best way to defend ourselves against them is to act with common sense, have our equipment updated, and have an antivirus on our equipment. Another dangerous element that has been present among us since the 80s are rootkits, which are pieces of software that hide deep in our system so that cybercriminals can later access them. In this article, we are going to talk about the evolution of rootkits and what we can expect from them in the future.

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Why is the Internet slower if I connect to the VPN?

Internet users are increasingly concerned with preserving their security and anonymity on the network. Currently, there is a tendency to create profiles based on our browsing history, cookies, and more. They are then used to send us targeted advertising for the products we have seen, and sometimes that information is sold to third parties. Much of this data is obtained from our public IP and our browser cookies. In this regard, to protect our Internet connection and in order to gain privacy, VPNs are increasingly being used.