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Hackers from four countries began attacking systems around the world

It is feared that millions of servers could be vulnerable to intrusion by malicious hackers

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Do you want to improve your privacy when using Google Maps?

Privacy is a very important factor and one that we must always keep in mind. However, sometimes we use programs or services that collect data without our knowledge. Leaks may arise and that personal information ends up in the wrong hands or that we simply do not want to be recorded. In this article we are going to talk about Google Maps , something widely used today, and how we can improve privacy .

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Malicious Internet Activity Hot Spots According to DomainTools

The online infrastructure allows us to enjoy many services that we use on a daily basis. One of the ones we use the most is email providers, but we also visit websites that are hosted on different domains. That does not mean that there are some places on the Internet that are used in a harmful way against our computers. Sometimes we can see how threats such as phishing and spam are often linked to specific domains. If we can understand how to detect them then it can help strengthen our threat intelligence. In this article we are going to look at the hot spots of malicious activity on the Internet.

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Four companies hold 67% of the world's cloud

According to data collected by the Sinergy Research Group, the four companies own 67% of the global cloud market, worth $ 130 billion.

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The most common languages ​​on the Internet

A recent study tasked with determining which languages ​​are most prevalent on the Internet. It was conducted on a sample of 10 million most visited sites online, and the results are partly expected and partly surprising.

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The most common languages ​​on the Internet

A recent study tasked with determining which languages ​​are most prevalent on the Internet. It was conducted on a sample of 10 million most visited sites online, and the results are partly expected and partly surprising.

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Get to know what's new in Kali Linux 2021.4

Kali Linux is a Linux distribution widely used for conducting computer security audits and testing computers. It has a large number of tools installed, such as Wireshark, Nmap or Aircrack-ng. It has just released its latest version, Kali Linux 2021.4 , and in this article we are going to show what the main new features are and what to do to install it.

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Microsoft's Edge is slowly expanding its advantage over Mozilla Firefox

Slowly but surely, Microsoft's Edge Internet browser is creating an increasing advantage over the veteran on the scene - Mozilla's Firefox.

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The Firefox 95.0 update comes with enhanced sandbox security

With Firefox's 95.0 release already out, the browser seems to have doubled security in a new and exciting way.

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Companies print anti-work messages after cyberattack

The attack by a group of hackers causes the printers of several major companies to print tickets with messages protesting against job insecurity.