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Does it have benefits to register on websites without passwords?

Image Credits: Pixabay

Does it have benefits to register on websites without passwords?

Why it is useful to avoid passwords

If we wonder how we can avoid having to put a traditional key, we can mention different methods. A clear example is a fingerprint to log in through mobile applications. Also facial recognition or even using access keys to enter a computer.

One of the positive points of being passwordless and avoiding passwords is its simplicity. Let's think about the number of keys that we have to remember if we do things right (one unique for each account). We are talking about complex passwords that we must remember or use key managers to enter Facebook, in the mail, or in any online service that we use.

Instead, simply being able to use your fingerprint will make this process easier. We will not have to memorize or store many keys, but simply use our finger to enter all these applications. The same if we use facial recognition or any similar method.

But we also eliminated a very clear weak point: password theft. Let's think about a data leak, a keylogger that steals our password, or any malware that can affect us. Although it is true that they could attack and steal a fingerprint, for example, it is a much more complicated process and it is not so present. Therefore, we gain security and eliminate a weak point.

Are we approaching a future without passwords?

The truth is that nowadays it is not something that is widespread. Microsoft has been a pioneer in eliminating passwords to use its services, but it is not something that is present, at least for the moment, in more services of this type. In all of them, in one way or another, we must use passwords.

However, we can be passwordless even partially. For example, to enter the bank through the mobile, we can forget the password and simply enter with the fingerprint. The same for social networks or many programs that are compatible. This is good for avoiding key managers in the browser, which can be a problem.

But, are we really approaching a future where passwords give way exclusively to other alternative methods? Here is a disparity of opinions, since there are studies that say that little by little we will dispense with passwords, while others indicate that it will not be possible, since we will always have access codes even if alternative methods appear.

Be that as it may, the truth is that the number of programs that allow us to log in without having to enter the password is increasing. In addition, devices such as physical keys are extended that will help us log in and verify that we are the legitimate user without having to use a password.