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PC Gamer Chat Log Podcast Episode 35

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PC Gamer Chat Log Podcast Episode 35

The Backlog Challenge: Tackling an Expanding Game Library

One of the persistent challenges for PC gamers is managing the ever-growing backlog of games. With numerous titles spread across various launchers, keeping track of what to play and finish can become overwhelming. This week, we explore innovative ways to tackle this issue, focusing on the use of spreadsheets for effective game management.

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Special Guest: Fraser Brown and His Gaming Spreadsheet

In this episode, we're excited to have our Online Editor, Fraser Brown, join us to discuss his unique approach to managing games. Fraser has developed a specialized spreadsheet to keep his gaming life organized. We delve into the specifics of his spreadsheet: its purpose, the categories he uses, and how it enhances his gaming experience. The conversation aims to uncover tips and tricks that listeners can apply to their own gaming routines.

Exploring Personal Organization Methods in Gaming

Lauren and I also share our personal experiences and methods for organizing our gaming lives. We discuss the extent to which we plan our gaming sessions and how we prioritize games in our respective backlogs. The conversation extends beyond just spreadsheet management, exploring various approaches to getting the most out of our gaming hobby.

Gaming Organization Beyond the Screen

Our discussion also ventures into the broader aspect of organization in gaming lifestyles. We talk about how keeping our gaming space and gear organized can impact our overall gaming experience. This includes everything from physical game collections to digital libraries, and even our gaming setups.

Checking In: Lauren and Host's Gaming Updates

As is customary, Lauren and I start the episode by catching up on our gaming activities from the past week. Despite it being a relatively quiet week for both of us, we share insights and anecdotes from our recent gaming experiences. We also tease what's coming up in the next episode, promising exciting stories and discussions for our listeners.

Conclusion and Looking Forward to the Next Episode

To wrap up, we reflect on the insights gained in this episode about managing gaming backlogs and organization methods. We hope our listeners found the discussions helpful and entertaining. As we sign off, we look forward to the next episode, promising more engaging content, stories, and tips for PC gamers. Stay tuned for another exciting episode of the PC Gamer Chat Log Podcast next week!