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DuckDuckGo wants to help protect your Android devices

Image Credits: Dawit/Unsplash

DuckDuckGo wants to help protect your Android devices

Know it or not, apps on Android smartphones track user activity and then send their data to a “third party”. DuckDuckGo wants to break something like that and on that occasion introduced the App Tracking Protection feature.

The name alone says that this is an application that should protect against tracking, and this is something that DuckDuckGo has been specializing in in recent years, but has also gained so much popularity around the world.

Namely, the company states that 96 percent of the most popular Android applications contain hidden "trackers" from some "third parties". Of these, 87 percent send data to Google and 68 percent to Facebook.

And while Apple has introduced "tracking" protection for iPhone and iPad users with its App Tracking Transparency, DuckDuckGo is planning to do so in the Android environment. The app is currently in beta but should be ready for use soon.

The app will likely rest on the foundations of what DuckDuckGo has been doing in recent years, as mentioned. Namely, it is primarily an Internet search engine, which has become popular because it offers true privacy in the moments when it is used.

After that, they went a step further and the company created an add-on for Internet browsers that, you guessed it, disables "tracking". And it is compatible with all the most popular browsers, including Chrome, Safari, Edge, and Firefox.

That's not all, there is also a DuckDuckGo browser for iOS and Android operating systems, so users of smartphones and tablets are "covered".

What DuckDuckGo guarantees is disabling tracking "thanks to technology that is constantly advancing and adapting so whatever" trackers "try will be prevented."

And those words need to be believed because DuckDuckGo has a reputation that must be justified and maintained. Which it does, and the proof is the upcoming App Tracking Protection.