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Allegedly companies do not know how to use a VPN correctly

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Allegedly companies do not know how to use a VPN correctly

Many companies don't use VPNs correctly 

It is a fact that more and more companies are using VPN in their day-to-day lives. One clear reason is the increase in teleworking due to the pandemic. This means that many workers carry out their functions from home, but use this type of service to connect to servers in the organization. 

However, as cybersecurity experts indicate, the inexperience of many organizations causes them to make mistakes. One of those mistakes is misusing VPNs. In addition, many do not have the ability to correct vulnerabilities that may exist and this is used by hackers to launch their attacks. 

Keep in mind that cyber-attacks against VPNs used by companies have increased significantly in recent months. They take advantage of precisely what we mentioned. They know that they have a chance as there are many users who use these programs without having the necessary experience to do it correctly. 

These same security experts indicate that most companies are familiar with the protection measures in Windows systems, such as avoiding the entry of viruses by having antivirus or having good habits so as not to be victims of Phishing. However, they do not act the same when it comes to using a VPN. 

But what can cause many companies not to act as they should? They indicate that one of the reasons is the time it takes to correct vulnerabilities, something that in many cases means cutting off the service and that workers cannot connect for X time. 

How to use VPNs correctly 

All this makes it essential for companies to use VPNs correctly. What should we do? The first thing is to use a service that is safe, reliable and that offers all the guarantees both to achieve a good operation, as well as to avoid possible problems that may appear related to security. 

In addition, it is essential that we install the latest updates that are pending. This will allow us to correct vulnerabilities and security flaws that appear, something that undoubtedly can be used by hackers to launch their attacks and steal data. 

On the other hand, experts indicate that companies need to create a response plan for possible problems related to VPNs. Something that allows them to establish a roadmap to act correctly if they find a vulnerability or any flaw that prevents them from making good use of it. 

In short, VPNs are widely used lately by companies, in addition to home users, but not always correctly. It is essential to maintain security, update devices, and correct any problems that may appear.